Hospital and Home Care Bundles for Surgical Patients Are Ready for Province-Wide Implementation. but Chronic Condition Bundles Need Refinement.

The Incremental Health Care Costs of Frailty Among Home Care Recipients with and Without Dementia in Ontario, Canada: A Cohort Study

The Health Impact of Living in a Nursing Home With a Predominantly Different Spoken Language

Does End-of-Life Care Differ for Anglophones and Francophones? A Retrospective Cohort Study of Decedents in Ontario, Canada

Health Care Utilization and Costs for Patients With End-Stage Liver Disease Are Significantly Higher at the End of Life Compared to Those of Other Decedents

Do-Not-Resuscitate and Do-Not-Hospitalize Orders in Nursing Homes: Who Gets Them and Do They Make a Difference?

Integrated Funding Models Central Evaluation

Evaluation of Six Integrated Funding Model Pilot Projects – A Difference-in-Differences Analysis – Final Results

Patient and Caregiver Experience With Delayed Discharge From a Hospital Setting: A Scoping Review

Understanding Bundled Care: COPD and CHF Patient Perspectives