Change in Health Care Use After Coordinated Care Planning: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Wait Time for Hip Fracture Surgery and Mortality—Reply

Adoption of High Technology Medical Imaging and Hospital Quality and Efficiency: Towards a Conceptual Framework

Effective Approaches to Integrating Care: A Three-Part Series

The Ontario Data Safe Haven: Bringing High Performance Computing to Population-wide Data Assets

Integrating Care in Scotland

Adaptation and Standardization of Integrated Care Practices to Facilitate Scale-Up and Spread: Insights from Ontario Case Studies

Measuring the Extent and Drivers of Integration Within Primary Care Teams

Implementing Integrated Care for Older Adults with Complex Health Needs: iCOACH. An International Network Discussion

Chronic Disease Population Risk Tool (CDPoRT): A Study Protocol for a Prediction Model That Assesses Population-Based Chronic Disease Incidence