Can Complexity Dynamics Be Harnessed to Improve Integration of Care? the Implementation of the Health Links in Ontario, Canada

Consistency of Priorities for Quality Improvement for Nursing Homes in Italy and Canada: A Comparison of Optimization Models of Resident Satisfaction

Quality Indicators for Care of Osteoarthritis in Primary Care Settings: A Systematic Literature Review

Understanding the Sustainability of Cross-Sectoral Care Coordination: An Exploration of Two Approaches to Coordinating Mental and Physical Health Services

Direct Medical Costs of Motorcycle Crashes in Ontario

Discharge Destination Following Hip Fracture: Comparative Effectiveness and Cost Analyses

Identifying and Understanding the Health and Social Care Needs of Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions and Their Caregivers: A Protocol for a Scoping Review

Costs of Health Care Across Primary Care Models in Ontario

Central LHIN Health Links Case Study Report

Primary care and health inequality: Difference-in-difference study comparing England and Ontario