Patient Reported Indicators Survey (PaRIS) – Ontario Pilot for OECD: Provider Survey [FR]

Patient Reported Indicators Survey (PaRIS) – Ontario Pilot for OECD: Patient Survey [FR]

Patient Reported Indicators Survey (PaRIS) – Ontario Pilot for OECD: Patient Survey

Patient Reported Indicators Survey (PaRIS) – Pilot for OECD: Provider Survey

Trial and Error, Together: Divergent Thinking and Collective Learning in the Implementation of Integrated Care Networks

Change in Health Care Use After Coordinated Care Planning: A Quasi-Experimental Study

‘Complexity-Compatible’ Policy for Integrated Care? Lessons From the Implementation of Ontario’s Health Links

Organizational Context Matters: A Research Toolkit for Conducting Standardized Case Studies of Integrated Care Initiatives

Evaluating the ‘Health Links’: A Case Study of the Role of Organizational Factors in Integrating Care in Ontario, Canada

Can Complexity Dynamics Be Harnessed to Improve Integration of Care? the Implementation of the Health Links in Ontario, Canada