Providing Integrated Care for Older People With Complex Needs: Lessons From Seven International Case Studies

Leading the Implementation of Health Links in Ontario

Under the Same Roof: Co-Location of Practitioners Within Primary Care is Associated With Specialized Chronic Care Management

Role of Context in Care Transition Interventions for Medically Complex Older Adults: A Realist Synthesis Protocol

What works in implementation of integrated care programs for older adults with complex needs? A realist review

Combining Integration of Care and a Population Health Approach: A Scoping Review of Redesign Strategies and Interventions, and Their Impact

Patient and Caregiver Experiences on Care Transitions for Adults With a Hip Fracture: A Scoping Review

Alignment of Canadian Primary Care With the Patient Medical Home Model: A QUALICO-PC Study

Identifying and Understanding the Health and Social Care Needs of Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions and Their Caregivers: A Scoping Review

The Relationship Between Hospital Adoption and Use of High Technology Medical Imaging and In-Patient Mortality and Length of Stay