Low Disability at Admission Predicts Faster Disablement in Long-Term Care Residents

Evaluating the ‘Health Links’: A Case Study of the Role of Organizational Factors in Integrating Care in Ontario, Canada

Can Complexity Dynamics Be Harnessed to Improve Integration of Care? the Implementation of the Health Links in Ontario, Canada

Understanding the Sustainability of Cross-Sectoral Care Coordination: An Exploration of Two Approaches to Coordinating Mental and Physical Health Services

Evaluating Quality of Care Among Older Adults With Diabetes With Comorbid Chronic Conditions; A Retrospective Cohort Study

Operationalizing Patient-Centered Integrated Care: The Gap between Discourse and Action

Operationalizing Patient-Centred Integrated Care: The Gap Between Discourse and Action in Ontario’s Health Links

Distributed Versus Centralized Leadership in the Implementation of a Canadian Integrated Care Initiative

Post-Acute Rehabilitation and Medical Oversight of Hip Fracture Patients

Establishing the Respresentativeness of Physician and Patient Respondents in the Ontario Qualicopc Study Using Administrative Data