Beyond Multi-Morbidity: Patient Perceptions of the Impact of Illness

QUALICOPC (Quality and Costs of Primary Care) Canada: A Focus on the Aspects of Primary Care Most Highly Rated by Current Patients of Primary Care Practices

Guidebook on Scientific Publishing: Advice for Students and Young Investigators in the Field of Health Services and Policy Research

CCAC Care Coordination Cost Analysis: CCAC & Care Coordinator Interview Findings

Management of Populations With Multiple Chronic Conditions in Ontario: Suggested Components of Standard Care & Performance Measurement for Shared Accountability

Understanding the Provision of End-of-Life and Palliative Care Services in Ontario

Guidelines on Person-Level Costing Using Administrative Databases in Ontario

Integrating Community-Based Care for People with Chronic Health and Social Needs in Ontario

Making Way for Integrated Accountable Care in Ontario: Enablers & Challenges of Implementation

Family Work in Four Early Psychosis Intervention Programs: An Exploratory Study