A Patient-Centered Transitions Framework for Persons With Complex Chronic Conditions

Perceived Risk Factors of Health Decline: A Qualitative Study of Hospitalized Patients With Multimorbidity

Beyond Multi-Morbidity: Patient Perceptions of the Impact of Illness

Perceived Value of Support for Older Adults Coping With Multimorbidity: Patient, Informal Care-Giver and Family Physician Perspectives

Transitions of Care—Leaving the Hospital: The Concerns of Complex Chronic Disease Patients

Tying eHealth Tools to Patient Needs: Exploring the Use of eHealth for Patients with Complex Chronic Disease and Disability

Caregiver Experience Survey

Patient Experience Survey

Patient and Caregiver Experiences on Care Transitions for Adults With a Hip Fracture: A Scoping Review

The Relationship Between Hospital Adoption and Use of High Technology Medical Imaging and In-Patient Mortality and Length of Stay