Long-Term Care Residents’ Geriatric Syndromes at Admission and Disablement Over Time: An Observational Cohort Study

Medical Costs of Delayed Hip Fracture Surgery

Reporting and Evaluating Wait Times for Urgent Hip Fracture Surgery in Ontario, Canada

Utilizing Population-Based Clinical and Administrative Data to Estimate the Incremental Healthcare Costs of Dementia and Frailty Among Community-Residing Care Recipients

The Effect of Socio-Demographic Factors on Mental Health and Addiction High-Cost Use: A Retrospective, Population-Based Study in Saskatchewan

Variation in the Health Outcomes Associated with Frailty Among Home Care Clients: Relevance of Caregiver Distress and Client Sex

Can High-Cost Spending in the Community Signal Admission to Hospital? a Dynamic Modeling Study for Urgent and Elective Cardiovascular Patients

“It’s a Waiting Game” a Qualitative Study of the Experience of Carers of Patients Who Require an Alternate Level of Care

Trajectories of Stroke Care in Ontario: Which Path to Best Care?

Hospitalizations for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions Across Primary Care Models in Ontario, Canada