Assessing Value in Ontario Health Links. Part 4: Measures of Palliative Care and End-Of-Life Care

Cost of Public Health Services for Ontario Residents Injured as a Result of a Motor Vehicle Accident

The Association Between Multimorbidity and Hospitalization is Modified by Individual Demographics and Physician Continuity of Care: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Health Care Use During Transfer to Adult Care Among Youth With Chronic Conditions

The Determinants of the Propensity to Receive Publicly Funded Home Care Services for the Elderly in Canada: A Panel Two-Stage Residual Inclusion Approach

Palliative Care in Ontario: A Population-Based Study Across Health Sectors Using Health Administrative Databases

Cost Trajectories for Cancer Patients

The State of End-of-Life and Palliative Care in Ontario

Resource Utilization Among Young and Midlife Ontarians Following Discharge From Complex Continuing Care

Projection of Health Care Costs in the Last Year of Life Among Canadians From 2015 to 2030