Healthcare Costs for 17 Chronic Conditions in Ontario

Population-Based Studies on Health Care at the End-of-Life

The Health Care Cost of Dying: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study of the Last Year of Life in Ontario, Canada

How Much Palliative Care is Delivered at the End-of-Life? : A Population-Level Observational Study in Ontario

Setting the Balance of Care in Northwestern Ontario: Opportunities and Challenges for Aging in Place

High Cost Users: Implications for Primary Care

Palliative and End-of-Life Patients in Ontario: Characteristics and Patterns of Health Care Utilization and Costs Across the Health System Continuum

Comorbidity Patterns and the Quality of Diabetes Care in Ontario

Combining Integration of Care and a Population Health Approach: A Scoping Review of Redesign Strategies and Interventions, and Their Impact

The Relationship Between Hospital Adoption and Use of High Technology Medical Imaging and In-Patient Mortality and Length of Stay